Prior to your first appointment
Before we even see you, our reception staff will send you a form to fill in. This is to help us get to know you better before the first consultation. The form includes questions about your medical history, food history and lifestyle habits, along with what you are hoping to achieve from working with us.
At your first appointment
At your initial consultation we spend time going over the initial questionnaire to ensure we have clarified any information, gain more insight and information into any medical symptoms, training program or lifestyle habits that may be impacting you, and then put together initial strategies to help you work towards achieving your goal. This may be some specific changes to your current food intake, or education around a certain aspect of nutrition that will be the most effective first step towards best health.
How long is an appointment?
Your first appointment is scheduled for 45 minutes. Follow ups are scheduled for 30 minutes. If you require a longer appointment, this can be discussed with our reception team at time of booking.
How many times, and how often will we see you?
This really depends on your personal needs, and the reason you have to come to see us. Regular reviews with your
dietitian have been shown to improve compliance and achieve better health outcomes compared with going it alone. Follow up appointments are essential to provide you with all the relevant information and practical advice you need to achieve your health goals. In your follow up sessions, we build on the information you are already familiar with and adjust the content to target your priorities. We will always discuss your treatment pathway with you as well, to ensure you understand why and when we want to see you.
The post WHAT TO EXPECT FROM SEEING A DIETITIAN appeared first on Redfern Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine.
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